

In accordance with the National Privacy Principals issued by Information Privacy Principals, issued by and Mobile Better Practice Guidelines issued by for websites and mobile apps, Resilienze For Life Pty. Ltd. (RFL) provides the following privacy statements.

Downloading the RFL Game App (RFL- GA) required for use with the RFL Board Game, the RFL Personal Play app (RFL-PP-App) and the RFL Daily Monitoring of Resilience app (RFL-DMR-App).

Once purchase of the app/s is completed (if required) you will be asked to complete a few personal details such as email address, your approx. age and if we can use your location data, provide a password for your app and a code for online access will be generated. You will then be able to access the membership website, where you personal information is stored and collected. You will be able to access any information regarding yourself on this website and you will be able to alter or delete any information on this webpage.

As you have purchased either the physical board game and collected the associated app, or purchased one of the other apps for personal play or self monitoring of resilience, you will be given a specific code that relates to the information we store for you. This code will be required if you have personal enquiries, lose access to the app/s or wish to enquire about personal private information held by RFL. You may also use this code if you require our assistance, for feedback or for complaints.

Personal Data Information we record

For statistical purposes only we will keep a record of your:

  • server address
  • UDID from mobile phones
  • domain name
  • email address
  • securely hashed password
  • record of your game play activity
  • ongoing and updating record of your Personal Resilience Potential score
  • purchase information
  • your purchase record
  • Your personal access code for identifying who you need to contact us.

We will hold this information in order for you to be able to follow your personal progress and to discuss progress with you if you indicate this preference. This information will also be held so that you may access your records and personal information at any time. We will not disclose this information to third parties.

From time to time it will be necessary to update the apps and we will use your email to alert you to updates. These updates will include new information and questions that will continue to keep your game perpetual in nature. You will not be asked to trade your personal information for any special benefits or additional downloads. If we have additional downloads of information for you we will send you the information free.

Securing your information

RFL seeks to comply with the Information Privacy Principles (IPP) governing non health related business and the National Privacy Principals (NPP) governing health related businesses in Australia. These principals will also have wider affect outside Australia and our policy has been examined to be consistent with the Better Practice Guidelines for Mobile Apps. The NPP and the IPP direct that the collection, storage, use and disclosure of personal information held by an organization governed by these principals maintains your personal information securely.

Both Acts, provide for specific rights and remedies of individuals in the event of a breach by RFL of its duties under the act. RFL works toprovide a secure environment and a reliable system to store your information. Nevertheless you need to be aware of the risks of the risks associated with the transmission of information over the internet.

RFL has secured the websites, servers and databases and keeps the collection of personal information to a minimum in and attempt to reduce risk as much as possible, and provide a secure mechanism when seeking or providing personal information.

The app/s you have downloaded and interactive services on this website may request personal information as part of the provision of the services we offer . RFL will encrypt all data transmitted between your computer’s web browser and our computers when you make use of any app, or associated website and information services. The encryption process used by RFL is TSL encryption and your browser must support TSL, most freely available browsers support TSL.

Please be aware:

Any sites that are external and linked to RFL are outside RFL’s control and you are advised to ensure that you review their privacy and security statements when using those sites.

Maintaining your personal security – Cookies

A cookie is a collection of information, usually including a username and the current date and time, stored on the local computer of a person using the World Wide Web, used chiefly by websites to identify users who have previously registered or visited their site. For example: your username at the University would store a cookie on your computer.

To maintain your privacy RFL only uses session-based cookies which expire when you close your browser. RFL does not use persistent cookies to log or track your personal information. All cookies are encrypted and signed with an authentication code.

We use cookies to preserve products added to cart between page loads and to protect you from cross-site request forgery attacks.

Other personal information will be kept in a secure database. RFL game statistics and Personal Resilience Potential Scores are generated from these databases and not from cookies.

Once you have closed your browser, the session cookie set by the DVA website is destroyed and DVA does not maintain any personal information that might identify you should you visit our website at a later date.

A Board Game with Interactive App

Become All You Can Be!

Created in Australia